Membership Committee
Date: Saturday, March 15 | Time: 3:45 - 4:00 p.m.
The Membership Committee has oversight responsibility for TCA's membership development and retention programs and activities.
Chair: Tim Chrulski, Garner Trucking, Inc.
Staff Liaison: Zander Gambill
Highway Policy Committee
Date: Sunday, March 16 | Time: 8:00 - 9:00 a.m.
The Highway Policy Committee is responsible for developing TCA policies and solutions relating to issues affecting the efficient movement of commercial vehicles on the highways. Issues handled by the Committee include (but are not limited to) size and weight; National Highway System; Intelligent Vehicle Highway Systems; intermodal; environmental; international and cross-border; highway vehicle taxes, fees and registrations; and toll roads. At the discretion of TCA's chairman, in some instances this Committee will share responsibility for addressing issues with the Regulatory Policy Committee.
Chair: Jerry Sigmon, Jr., Cargo Transporters, Inc.
Staff Liaison: David Heller
Independent Contractor Practices Policy Committee
Date: Sunday, March 16 | Time: 9:00 – 10:00 a.m.
The Independent Contractor Practices Policy Committee is responsible for developing TCA policy and solutions involving issues relating to independent contractor drivers. Issues handled by the Committee include (but are not limited to) employment classification issues, workers compensation, tax matters, and carrier leasing issues.
Chair: Joe Beacom, Landstar Transportation Services, Inc.
Staff Liaison: David Heller, Hailey Betham
Recruitment, Retention, and HR Committee
Date: Sunday, March 16 | Time: 10:10 – 11:00 a.m.
The Recruitment & Retention Human Resources Committee is responsible for developing TCA policies and solutions relating to driver recruitment and retention, and human resources and labor issues. Issues handled by the Committee include (but are not limited to) wage and hour; OSHA; workers compensation; and unemployment compensation.
Chair: Tracy Rushing, RE Garrison Trucking, Inc.
Staff Liaison: Elizabeth Nicholson
Regulatory Policy Committee Meeting
Date: Sunday, March 16 | Time: 12:45 – 1:50 p.m.
The Regulatory Policy Committee is responsible for developing TCA's policies and solutions relating to federal and state legislation and regulations. Issues handled by the Committee include (but are not limited to) regulatory reform; motor carrier safety; non-highway taxes; meal deductibility; vehicle maintenance and engineering; environmental; international and cross-border. At the discretion of TCA's chairman, in some instances this committee will share responsibility for addressing issues with the Highway Policy Committee.
Chair: Eric Grant, Maverick Transportation, LLC
Staff Liaison: David Heller, Hailey Betham
Communications & Image Committee
Date: Sunday, March 16 | Time: 2:00 – 2:30 p.m.
The Communications & Image Committee oversees TCA's programs and communications aimed at enhancing the trucking industry's public image through carrier engagement, building knowledge and supporting events.
Chair: Graig Morin, Brown Dog Carriers & Logistics
Staff Liaison: Zander Gambill
TCA Board of Directors Meeting
Date: Sunday, March 16 | Time: 2:45 – 4:00 p.m.
Chair: John Culp, Maverick Transportation, LLC
First Vice Chair: Karen Smerchek, Veriha Trucking, Inc.
Second Vice Chair: Jon Coca, Diamond Transportation System, Inc.
Treasurer: Joey Hogan, Covenant Transport
Secretary: Mark Seymour, Kriska Transportation Group
Immediate Past Chair: David Williams, Knight-Swift Transportation
Vice Chair to ATA: Ed Nagle, Nagle Toledo, Inc.
At-Large Officers:
Pete Hill, Hill Brothers Transportation
Amber Edmondson, Trailiner Corporation
Adam Blanchard, Double Diamond Transport, Inc.
Mike Ludwick, Bison Transport
Staff Liaison: James Ward